Mr Rocky
JoinedTopics Started by Mr Rocky
IDEA regarding my mother.
by RichieRich inits richie again.. i was thinking last night about my inevitable, fast approaching exit from the wtbts.
i guess that out of common courtesy, i will provide a copy of my disassociation letter to my mother, however, it is nothing more than a baptism nullification / gag order / i'll sue all of you letter.
its not one of those lengthy numbers that some have chosen to write.
My apology to Victims of Molestation within the Watchtower
by jst2laws innewbies and the wt molestation problem
stone hearted jw's who dismiss the child molestation problem within the watchtower, such as scholar, actually do us a favor.
once our blood pressure returns to normal we can reflect rationally not only on how badly victims of molestation have been treated inside the org but also upon how disgustingly insensitive the watchtower has been to public outcry.
BIG NEWS I recieved my pamphlet WOW
by skyman inthe baylor university has a potential time bomb for the society all i can say is wow i can see how now.
you better get a copy.
use this link and get you a copy
by juni inmy friend, who is still attending meetings, tried to video tape a part on the theocratic school.
he was told to take it down.
is this one individual's opinion?
Mark Furhman/Barbara Anderson Radio Interview on Real Audio
by Dogpatch inthanks to danny haszard you can listen to the 75 minutes of interview with barbara anderson and linda john by the famous mark furhman from his mark furhman radio show (in four parts) from this link:.
just click on one of the four parts to listen to it.
My D/f appeal meeting went amazingly, but the still want to d/f me
by jwfacts insorry how long this is but i found the meeting very exciting.
the short version is i said directly that i do not believe in the wts, feel being d/f is unfair on my jw family so asked them to just leave me alone.
it didn't work.
Can you help me tweak my press release?
by Madame Quixote in<div>i've left off my private info, but wonder if any of the press-releasing pros can help me tweak this?
i would like to refer to a specific mirror site in my press release.
Spokesman-Review article "Cut off by Faith"
by Mr Rocky in
i posted this yesterday in friends but it never showed up in friends.
without a link it died a very fast death in active topics.
The Spokesman-Review Article "Cut off by Faith"
by Mr Rocky inif this link to our article has already been posted then sorry for the repeat.
i only recently found out that you could view it on the web..
even after buying the rights to reproduce 100 copies for sending to others from the paper they never mentioned to me that it was on their web site.
Advice, please! Concerning the 2 witness rule
by whyizit inmy friend, who is not yet baptised in the wt, but is well on her way and very defensive of the wt, kind of led me into a conversation about how there has to be two witnesses for immoral acts, etc....(i guess someone recently got caught with another guy's wife, and it took a little detective work, because there has to be 2 witnesses.
) i brought up child molestors.
what does the wt do in those cases?